9 Security

9.1	Security 関係の基本思想


   1	デフォールトではすべてを認めない
   2	大丈夫と思われるものを通すようにする
   3	疑わしきものははじいて判断をMLの管理者へあおぐ


9.2	Security Check Routine


	1 明らかに危ないものを除いていく
	2 安全なものを許可していってそれ以外は拒否する
	1 deny all, permit secure conditions
	2 permit all, deny known insecure conditions.

fml は 1 のポリシーを採用しています。fml-support: 00950 でも述べていますが

	1.x は外掘から埋める方式 (関数 InSecureP)
	2.y は内掘から埋める方式 (関数 SecureP)

といってます(^^)。1.x と 2.y の関係はそのまま 上の 1 と 2 の違いといっ

SecureP は以下のように『コマンドとしてうけいれる命令(メールの一行全体


   whois 日本語


例:	許されるパターンを拡張する例(%SECURE_REGEXPを使う)

   $SECURE_REGEXP{'whois'} = '\s*whois\s+\033\$[\@B][\041-\176]+\033\([BJ]\s*';


[捕捉] 許されるコマンドのシンタックス

Quoted from 4.4BSD:/usr/share/man/cat1/sh.0 
       Shell Patterns

       A pattern consists of normal characters, which match them-
       selves, and meta-characters.   The meta-characters are
       ``!'', ``*'', ``?'', and ``[''.  These  characters lose
       there special meanings if they are quoted.  When command
       or variable substitution is performed and the dollar sign
       or back quotes are not double quoted, the value of the
       variable or the output of the command is scanned for these
       characters and they are turned into meta-characters.

       An asterisk (``*'') matches any string of characters.   A
       question mark matches any single character. A left bracket
       (``['') introduces a character class.  The end of the
       character class is indicated by a ``]''; if the ``]'' is
       missing then the ``['' matches a ``['' rather than intro-
       ducing a character class.  A character class matches any
       of the characters between the square brackets.   A range
       of characters may be specified using a minus sign.  The
       character class may be complemented by making an exclama-
       tion point the first character of the character class.

       To include a ``]'' in a character class, make it the first
       character listed (after the ``!'', if any).  To include a
       minus sign, make it the first or last character listed

NOTE: 1998/11/08 permit "admin add MAR+KUN@DOMAIN " syntax

  +'ed user <addr+ext@domain> (for sendmail users):
	fix to permit this address syntax when automagic registration.
	but not fix to permit command with this addr beautifully.
	# so require more eloborate design

  +'d ユーザのアドレス体系を扱えるように修正

9.3	DNS Spoofing

デフォールトでは何もしていませんが $LOG_CONNECTION がONの時は


コネクションを張ってきた相手先のIPアドレスを $PeerAddr に設定します。
firewall 越しだったりすると無意味ですが…$PeerAddr という変数に相手の
ホストのIPアドレスが保存されます。$PeerAddr を使って DNS Spoofing
Check コードをHOOK掛ければよいでしょう。

9.4	Address Spoofing


9.5	SYN Flooding


9.6	Email アドレスの表現とRFC822

9.7	smrsh.c

smrsh.c は、
	"|program ..."
の program が何を実行するか?ではなく program の名前が /usr/adm/sm.bin 
の中にあるかどうか?を見ています。# access(2) で、

よって、/usr/adm/sm.bin/fml.pl ですね:-)

9.8	access(2) 

smrsh.c は access(2) を使っていますが…うぅ

--- NetBSD 1.2REL /usr/share/man/cat2/access.0

     Access() is a potential security hole and should never be used.

4th Berkeley Distribution     September 15, 1996                             2

--- perl5.003/perl.c

	/* On this access check to make sure the directories are readable,
	 * there is actually a small window that the user could use to make
	 * filename point to an accessible directory.  So there is a faint
	 * chance that someone could execute a setuid script down in a
	 * non-accessible directory.  I don't know what to do about that.
	 * But I don't think it's too important.  The manual lies when
	 * it says access() is useful in setuid programs.

9.9	Precedence Priority

sendmail 8.8.5 operations manual tells:

             5.7.  P -- Precedence Definitions

                     Values for the "Precedence:" field may be defined
                using  the  P  control line.  The syntax of this field


                When the name is found in a "Precedence:"  field,  the
                message  class  is  set  to  num.  Higher numbers mean
                higher precedence.  Numbers less than  zero  have  the
                special  property  that if an error occurs during pro-
                cessing the body of the message will not be  returned;
                this  is  expected  to be used for "bulk" mail such as
                through mailing  lists.   The  default  precedence  is
                zero.  For example, our list of precedences is:


                People  writing  mailing list exploders are encouraged
                to use "Precedence: list".  Older versions of sendmail
                (which discarded all error returns for negative prece-
                dences)  didn't  recognize  this  name,  giving  it  a
                default  precedence  of  zero.  This allows list main-
                tainers to see error returns on both old and new  ver-
                sions of sendmail.

9.10	4.4BSD vacation

     No message will be sent unless login (or an alias supplied using the -a
     option) is part of either the ``To:'' or ``Cc:'' headers of the mail.  No
     messages from ``???-REQUEST'', ``Postmaster'', ``UUCP'', ``MAILER'', or
     ``MAILER-DAEMON'' will be replied to (where these strings are case insen-
     sitive) nor is a notification sent if a ``Precedence: bulk'' or
     ``Precedence: junk'' line is included in the mail headers.  The people
     who have sent you messages are maintained as a db(3) database in the file
     .vacation.db in your home directory.

9.11	File and Directory Permission Default

umask(2) default is customizable.

	$FML_UMASK	for fml.pl
	$MSEND_UMASK	for msend.pl
	$UMASK	is used if neither $FML_UMASK nor $MSEND_UMASK is not defined.

9.12	Directory Permissions

複数の人が fmlserv と一緒に使う場合 fmlserv はメンバーリストを書き変え
る等のために group permission が必要です。
# そのために root process を作れば、そうでなくてもできなくはないはず
# ですが、root process を増やすことはやりたくないので


変数はそれを意味するための内部変数ですが、普通は fml.pl が $DIR の隣に 
fmlserv という directory があるなら自動的に設定します。うまくいかない
ときは explicit に設定して下さい。それから $GID も fmlserv のために導

9.13	sendmail 8.8 における check_* ルールセットについて

9.14	SMTP and Authentication

draft-myers-smtp-auth-11.txt (submitted to be Proposed Standard)
RFC2222 (SASL)

SASL: Simple Authentication and Security Layer

draft-hoffman-smtp-ssl-06.txt (SMTP over secured layer)

9.15	&system() function

system は perl の内部関数ではなく独自に書いた system を使っています。
何故かうまく動かない場合や、fork() がないNTなどでは perl 附属の 
system() を使わざるを得ない場合があります。デフォールトでは perl 附属
の system() を使っていません。


	$INSECURE_SYSTEM = 1;  (default 0)


なお NT では system() を使っています。

いずれの場合でもシンタックスチェックが事前に行なわれ、その後 system を