NAME FML::Article::Thread -- primitive thread tracking system SYNOPSIS See FML::Process::Distribute, FML::Command::Admin::thread classes for more details. DESCRIPTION This class drives primitive thread tracking system at the top level. We need to clarify the status of each article and each thread. One thread begins at an article id and contians a group of articles as members in it. Each thread has a status such that it is open, analyzed or closed now. Each article has each meaning. A new article opens and starts a new thread. Content of an article closes a thread or threads. Also, he/she can close a thread by manual via command mail or CUI/GUI interface. A group of status of articles affects the status of threads. So, we need to trace status of articles and threads separetely. If explicitly not closed, the status of a thread is either of "closed(auto)" or "analyzed". METHOD new($curproc) constructor. HANDLE ARTICLE add_article($id, $msg) check the content of specified article $id to update UDB where $msg is a Mail::Message object. This routine is expected to be called within FML::Process::Distribute. So, $msg must be already defined. HANDLE STATUS check_thread_status($head_id) check the status of thread beginning at $head_id. update the status in UDB if needed. open_thread_status($th_args) open thread. close_thread_status($th_args) close thread. SUMMARY get_outline($id, $thread_args) return string holding article short summaries of a thread for this article $id. PRINT STATUS OR SUMMARY print_one_line_summary($thread_args) pritn one line summary of message body. print_summary($thread_args) pritn both header and body summary. print_list($thread_args) list up thread and the related information. DEFAULT PRINT ENGINES CODING STYLE See "" on fml coding style guide. AUTHOR Ken'ichi Fukamachi COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2005,2006 Ken'ichi Fukamachi All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. HISTORY FML::Process::Kernel first appeared in fml8 mailing list driver package. See "" for more details.