NAME FML::Command - fml command dispatcher. SYNOPSIS use FML::Command; my $obj = new FML::Command; $obj->rewrite_prompt($curproc, $command_context, \$orig_command); DESCRIPTION "FML::Command" is a wrapper and dispathcer for fml commands. AUTOLOAD() picks up the command request and dispatches "FML::Command::User::something" suitable for the request. Also, it kicks off "FML::Command::Admin::something" for the admin command request and makefml commands. METHODS new() constructor. set_mode($curproc, $command_context) set the current mode, either of "admin" or "user". get_mode($curproc, $command_context) return the current mode, either of "admin" or "user". METHODS rewrite_prompt($curproc, $command_context, $rbuf) rewrite the specified buffer $rbuf (STR_REF). $rbuf is rewritten as a result. For example, this function is used to hide the password in the $rbuf buffer. Each module such as "FML::Command::$MODE::$SOMETING" specifies how to rewrite by rewrite_prompt() method in it. notice_cc_recipient($curproc, $command_context, $rbuf) return addresses to inform for the command reply. Each module such as "FML::Command::$MODE::$SOMETING" specifies recipients by notice_cc_recipient() method in it if needed. verify_syntax($curproc, $command_context) verify the syntax command string. return 0 if it looks insecure. AUTOLOAD() the command dispatcher. It hooks up the $command request and loads the module in "FML::Command::$MODE::$command". CODING STYLE See "" on fml coding style guide. AUTHOR Ken'ichi Fukamachi COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006 Ken'ichi Fukamachi All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. HISTORY FML::Command first appeared in fml8 mailing list driver package. See "" for more details.