NAME FML::Error - front end of error messages analyzer. SYNOPSIS use FML::Error; my $error = new FML::Error $curproc; # analyze error messages and holds the result within the object. $error->analyze(); # remove addresses analyze() determined as bouncers. $error->delete_bouncers(); DESCRIPTION This class provides top level dispatcher to analyze error messages. It can parse error messages and classifies them into error or not messages. You can use delete_bouncers() method to remove bounce addresses. METHODS new($curproc) constructor. get_lock_channel_name() return the lock channel name to be used to lock/unlock error related functions. LOCK ACCESS TO ERROR CACHE DB lock() unlock() DATABASE db_open() open cache database. db_close() close cache database (dummy). add($info) add bounce information into cache where $info is a HASH_REF. Currently, $info expects "address", "status" (status code) and "reason". "address" and "status" are mandatory. $info = { address => $address, status => $status, reason => $reason, }; The format to store these information depends on FML::Error::Cache module, which conceals the detail of the cache structure. analyze() open error message cache and analyze the data by the analyzer function. The function is specified by $config->{ error_mail_analyzer_function }. Available functions are located in "FML::Error::Analyze". "simple_count" function is used by default if $config->{ error_mail_analyzer_function } is unspecified. set_analyzer_function($fp) set the function for error cost evaluator. Acutually, the content locates at "FML::Error::Analyze::$fp". get_analyzer_function($fp) get the current function. ADDRESS MANIPULATION is_list_address($addr) check whether $addr is one of addresses this ML uses, such as elena, elena-ctl, elena-admin ... for elena ML. We need this function to exclude list related addresses from removal target. delete_bouncers() delete mail addresses, determined by analyze() as bouncers, by delete_address() method. You need to call analyze() method before calling delete_bouncers() to list up addresses to remove. delete_address( $address ) delete the specified address by "FML::Command::Admin::unsubscribe". DUMP ADDRESS AND STATUS print([$handle]) print list of addresses and the corresponding point. CODING STYLE See "" on fml coding style guide. AUTHOR Ken'ichi Fukamachi COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2002,2003,2004,2005,2006 Ken'ichi Fukamachi All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. HISTORY FML::Error first appeared in fml8 mailing list driver package. See "" for more details.