NAME FML::Filter::Size - filter based on mail size. SYNOPSIS use FML::Filter::Size; my $filter = new FML::Filter::Size $curproc; if (defined $filter) { $filter->set_class('incoming_article'); my $rules = $config->get_as_array_ref('article_size_filter_rules'); if (defined $rules) { $filter->set_rules( $rules ); } $filter->size_check($mesg); } DESCRIPTION "FML::Filter::Size" is the collection of filter rules based on mail size. METHODS new() constructor. set_rules( $rules ) overwrite rules by specified @$rules ($rules is ARRAY_REF). set_class( $class ) set class e.g. incoming_article, outgoing_article, ... size_check($msg) $msg is "Mail::Message" object. "Usage": use FML::Filter::Size; my $obj = new FML::Filter::Size; my $msg = $curproc->{'incoming_message'}; $obj->size_check($msg); if ($obj->error()) { # do something for wrong formated message ... } FILTER RULES check_header_size($msg) check the size of mail header. throw reason via croak() if the size exceeds the limit. check_body_size($msg) check the size of mail body. throw reason via croak() if the size exceeds the limit. CHECK COMMAND SYNTAX check_command_limit($msg, $type) check the total number of command requests. check_line_length_limit($msg, $type) check the length limit of one command request. CODING STYLE See "" on fml coding style guide. AUTHOR Ken'ichi Fukamachi COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2005,2007,2008 Ken'ichi Fukamachi All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. HISTORY FML::Filter::Size first appeared in fml8 mailing list driver package. See "" for more details.