NAME FML::Process::CreateOnPost -- create-on-post ML master process. SYNOPSIS use FML::Process::CreateOnPost; $curproc = new FML::Process::CreateOnPost; $curproc->run(); DESCRIPTION FML::Process::CreateOnPost provides the main function for "libexec/createonpost", which creates a ML dynamically on demand. Typically, (1) define your domain to support Create-On-Post operation. (2) a user sends a mail to . (3) create ML and add as a member. (4) To add another member, send the following mail to . To: Cc: anotheruser@anotherdomain Subject: anything any in the body. See "FML::CreateOnPost" for Create-On-Post detail. See "FML::Process::Flow" for the flow detail. METHODS new($args) constructor. It make a "FML::Process::Kernel" object and return it. prepare($args) load default config files, set up domain we need to fake, and fix @INC if needed. lastly, parse incoming message input from \*STDIN channel. verify_request($args) parse incoming messages for later use. run($args) the top level dispatcher for "createonpost". It emulates subscription and execultes a faked ML process. See "FML::CreateOnPost" for Create-On-Post detail. finish($args) dummy. help() show help. INTERNAL FUNCTIONS Internal function prepares and executes a faked ML via FML::CreateOnPost object. FAULT HANDLING ML VALIDATION FAULT This process checks the ML existence and call fault handler if not found. The fault handler creates a ML. ADDRESS VALIDATION FAULT This process does not handle address fault that the specified address is not a member. Instead the executed process e.g. distirubition process handles it as address validation fault. CODING STYLE See "" on fml coding style guide. AUTHOR Ken'ichi Fukamachi COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2006,2008 Ken'ichi Fukamachi All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. HISTORY FML::Process::CreateOnPost first appeared in fml8 mailing list driver package. See "" for more details.