NAME FML::Process::Distribute -- article distributer library. SYNOPSIS use FML::Process::Distribute; ... See FML::Process::Flow for details of the fml flow. DESCRIPTION "FML::Process::Flow::ProcessStart($obj, $args)" drives the fml flow where $obj is the object "FML::Process::$module::new()" returns. METHOD new($args) create "FML::Process::Distribute" object. $curproc is the object "FML::Process::Kernel" returns but we bless it as "FML::Process::Distribute" object again. prepare($args) forward the request to the base class. adjust ml_* and load configuration files. verify_request($args) check the mail sender and the mail loop possibility. run($args) Firstly it locks (giant lock) the current process. If the mail sender is one of our mailing list member, we can distribute the mail as an article. If not, we inform "you are not a member" which is sent by "reply_message_inform()" in "FML::Process::Kernel". Lastly we unlock the current process. help() finish($args) Finalize the current process. If needed, we send back error messages to the mail sender. CODING STYLE See "" on fml coding style guide. AUTHOR Ken'ichi Fukamachi COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006 Ken'ichi Fukamachi Copyright (C) 2008,2009,2010 Ken'ichi Fukamachi All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. HISTORY FML::Process::Distribute first appeared in fml8 mailing list driver package. See "" for more details.