NAME FML::Process::Utils - convenient utilities for FML::Process:: classes. SYNOPSIS See FML::Process::Kernel. DESCRIPTION See FML:: classes, which uses these function everywhere. access METHODS to handle configuration space config() return FML::Config object. pcb() return FML::PCB object. schduler() return FML::Process::Scheduler object. access METHODS to handle incoming_message available all processes which eats message via STDIN. The following functions return the whole or a part of the incoming message corresponding to the current process. The message is a chain of "Mail::Message" objects such as header -> body header -> multipart-preamble -> multipart-separator -> part1 -> ... See Mail::Message for more details. incoming_message_header() return the header part for the incoming message. It is the head of a chain of Mail::Message objects. incoming_message_body() return the body part for the incoming message. It is the 2nd part of a chain of Mail::Message objects and after. For example, body multipart-preamble -> multipart-separator -> part1 -> ... incoming_message() return the whole message for the incoming message. It is the whole parts of a chain. incoming_message_set_current_queue($queue) save object of incoming queue. incoming_message_get_current_queue() get object of incoming queue. incoming_message_print_body_as_file() dupliate the body part into a temporary file. return a newly created temporary file path. incoming_message_dup_content($new_class) dupliate the incoming queue at $new_class. incoming_message_isolate_content() dupliate the incoming queue at isolated queue. access METHODS to handle article available only in "libexec/distribute" process. The usage of these functions is same as that of incoming_message_*() methods but article_*() hanldes the article object to distribute now. So, incoming_message_*() handles input but article_message_*() handles output. article_message_header() article_message_body() article_message() OUR POLICY UTILITY policy_ignore_this_message($reason) ignore this message by our policy. policy_reject_this_message($reason) reject this message by our policy. It returns error message to the sender. misc METHODS mkdir($dir, $mode) create directory $dir if needed. unique( $array ) make components in $array unique. ml_home_dir handling ml_home_dir_deleted_path($ml_home_prefix, $ml_name) return ml_home_dir to be removed. If mupltiple directories are matched, return the latest removed one by using ml_home_dir_find_latest_deleted_path(). ml_home_dir_find_latest_deleted_path($ml_home_prefix, $ml_name) find the latest removed ml_home_dir and return it. METHODS for convenience fml_version() return fml version. fml_owner() return fml owner. fml_group() return fml group. myname() return the current process name. command_line_raw_argv() return @ARGV before getopts() analyze. command_line_argv() return @ARGV after getopts() analyze. command_line_argv_find(pat) return the matched pattern in @ARGV and return it if found. command_line_options() return options, result of getopts() analyze. config_cf_files_set_list($cf_file_path_array) set configuration file (.cf) to internal list. config_cf_files_append($cf_file_path) append configuration file (.cf) to internal list. config_cf_files_get_list() get configuration files (*.cf) list as ARRAY_REF. ml_name() not yet implemenetd properly. (?) ml_domain() return the domain handled in the current process. If not defined properly, return the default domain defined in /etc/fml/ default_domain() return the default domain defined in /etc/fml/ executable_prefix() return executable prefix such as "/usr/local". newml_command_template_files_dir() return the path where template files used in "newml" method exist. ml_home_prefix([domain]) return $ml_home_prefix in config_cf_filepath($ml, $domain) return path for this $ml ($ml@$domain). is_config_cf_exist($ml, $domain) return 1 if exists. 0 if not. menu_get_cui_config_file_path() return menu configuration path for CUI. menu_get_gui_config_file_path() return menu configuration path for GUI. is_cui_process() inform whether this process runs as CUI (fml/makefml) ? is_cgi_process() inform whether this process runs as cgi ? is_under_mta_process() inform whether this process runs under MTA ? is_allow_reply_message() return 1 if we can send messages to the sender or specified address. return 0 if not. For example, processes running under MTA e.g. libexec/distribute, libexec/command receives a mail and reply it if needed. But makefml command do not. is_fml8_managed_address($address) check if $address is one of valid ml address fml8 on this host manages. map_to_term($map) which this $map belongs to ? map_to_term_nl($map) return which member of maps is this $map as natural language. address_resolve($list) address_resolve() converts $list to mail addresses. For example maitainer => $maintainer sender => sender of the current message (From: in header) article_get_max_id() return the current article number (sequence number). output_set_print_style(mode) output_get_print_style() langinfo_get_accept_language_list($list) set preferred language candidates requested by sender. $list is ARRAY_REF. langinfo_get_accept_language_list() return preferred language candidates requested by sender. The type of return value is ARRAY_REF. article_thread_init() prepare and return information (HASH_REF) needed to manipulate thread database. hints() return hints as HASH_REF. It is useful to switch process behabiour based on this hints. This function is used in CGI processes typically to verify whether the current process runs in admin mode or user mode ? shared_hash_get($category, $key) return HASH_REF allocated on global memory area. This memory area is shared by plural "fml processes" running on this one (operatiing system's) process. In other words plural $curproc are possible on one process. For example, both parent and child $curproc can access this memory area. CUI specific CURPROC UTILITY dup_curproc_args() duplicate $args corresponding to $curproc. context_switch_get_context() return saved context information. context_switch_set_context($context) replace context information with the specified one. FAULT LOG ROTATION log_rorate() rotate log files. CODING STYLE See "" on fml coding style guide. AUTHOR Ken'ichi Fukamachi COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2008 Ken'ichi Fukamachi All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. HISTORY FML::Process::Utils first appeared in fml8 mailing list driver package. See "" for more details.