NAME FML::String::Banner::Ascii - generate an ascii bannner. SYNOPSIS use FML::String::Banner::Ascii; my $banner = new FML::String::Banner::Ascii; print $banner->as_ascii("TRIAL_PASSWORD", 8); DESCRIPTION See FML::String::Banner CLASS. This class provides the ascii part of the class. METHODS new() constructor. as_ascii($string, $drift) return an ascii banner string. The string is specificed by the argument $string. The vertical position of each character in the $string is shifted randomly within the $drift characters. CODING STYLE See "" on fml coding style guide. AUTHOR Ken'ichi Fukamachi COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2008 Ken'ichi Fukamachi All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. HISTORY FML::String::Banner::Ascii appeared in fml8 mailing list driver package. See "" for more details.