NAME IO::Adapter::File - IO functions for a file. SYNOPSIS $map = 'file:/some/where/file'; To read list use IO::Adapter; $obj = new IO::Adapter $map; $obj->open || croak("cannot open $map"); while ($x = $obj->getline) { ... } $obj->close; To add the address $obj = new IO::Adapter $map; $obj->add( $address ); To delete it $regexp = "^$address"; $obj->delete( $regexp ); DESCRIPTION This module provides real IO functions for a file used in "IO::Adapter". The map is the fully path-ed file name or a file name with 'file:/' prefix. METHODS new() constructor. open($args) $args HASH REFERENCE must have two parameters. "file" is the target file to open. "flag" is the mode of open(). touch() create a file if not exists. getline() return one line. It is the same as usual getline() call for a file. getpos() get the position in the opened file. setpos(pos) set the position in the opened file. eof() Eof Of File? close() close the opended file. add($address, ... ) add (append) $address to this map. delete($key) delete lines with key $key from this map. LOCK lock($args) unlock($args) SEQUENCE FILE OPERATION sequence_increment($args) For example, to get a new (incremented) sequence number of mailing list article: sub get_sequence_id { ... lock ...; my $obj = new IO::Adapter $map; my $id = $obj->sequence_increment(); unless ($obj->error()) { return $id; } else { print $obj->error(), "\n"; } ... unlock ...; } sequence_replace($args) For example, to set sequence number to the specified value $new_id: sub set_sequence_id { my ($self, $new_id) = @_; ... lock ...; my $obj = new IO::Adapter $map; my $id = $obj->sequence_replace($new_id); unless ($obj->error()) { return "ok"; } else { print $obj->error(), "\n"; return "fail"; } ... unlock ...; } SEE ALSO IO::Adapter CODING STYLE See "" on fml coding style guide. AUTHOR Ken'ichi Fukamachi COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006 Ken'ichi Fukamachi All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. HISTORY IO::Adapter::File first appeared in fml8 mailing list driver package. See "" for more details.