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Difference Between fml4 And fml8

Table of Contents
Difference Between fml4 And fml8: License.
Difference Between fml4 And fml8: Command Mail And Error Messages.
Difference Between fml4 And fml8: CUI
Difference Between fml4 And fml8: GUI (CGI)
File Naming Convention

In this chapter, we describe the difference beetween fml4 and fml8

Intuitively fml4 vs fml8 is equal to sendmail vs Postfix. It is good image.

Difference Between fml4 And fml8: License.

Roughly speaking, fml8 license is composed of Artistic, BSD or GPL. A part of fml8 is either of them.

In the case of fml4, almost all codes are written by fml project. The license of such codes is GPL. jcode.pl and some perl modules are exceptions.

In the case of fml8, the source tree has sub tree which is divided according to the license. For example, the license of fml/ sub tree is Artictic, cpan/ is Artistic or GPL, gnu/ is GPL and img/ is BSD. See the license files under them on the detail.

It is easy to remove some licensed files since the sub-tree is license based.

fml8 installs all modules of the tree into the proper path, so installed modules are hybrid of licenses. You need to clarify the license before installation.

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Copyright (C) 1993-2022 Ken'ichi Fukamachi mail:< fukachan at fml.org >