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I Want To Use ML By My Account.

When you set up an ML within your account, for example when you are using virtual domain service of ISP, you need to use a mail processor such as procmail.

To catch up messages to ML's, you need to filter messages according to To: or Cc: in the mail header.

fml8 expects the user uses a filter tool such as procmail in such a situation. fml8 distribution itself does not provide such a tool.

When running "makefml newml", "makefml" creates/updates ~/.procmailrc sample at /var/spool/ml/etc/procmail/procmailrc. Please use it as a sample.

~/.procmailrc Example

MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail	# You'd better make sure it exists

* To.*elena@fml.org
| /usr/local/libexec/fml/fml.pl /var/spool/ml/elena

* To.*elena-ctl@fml.org
| /usr/local/libexec/fml/fml.pl /var/spool/ml/elena --ctladdr

# last resort, mail for me et. al.

Virtual Domain Case

The procmail rules above contains ml_name and ml_domain within it. So it does not need special handling for virtual domain. It is same for both default domain and virtual domain.

MTA configuration is another issue. Please contact administrator on it.

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Copyright (C) 1993-2022 Ken'ichi Fukamachi mail:< fukachan at fml.org >