[______TOC_______] [NEXT CHAPTER]
1 Quick Overview

% ftp ftp://ftp.fml.org/pub/fml/current/
Connected to ftp.iij.ad.jp.
220 ftp.iij.ad.jp FTP server ready.
ftp> get fml-3.0B-current-20000227.tar.gz
50% |*************************                         | 818 KB 00:40 ETA
226 Transfer complete.
1656664 bytes received in 01:20 (20.02 KB/s)
221 Goodbye.

% gunzip fml-3.0B-current-20000227.tar.gz
% tar xf fml-3.0B-current-20000227.tar

% cd fml-3.0B-current-20000227

% env RECOMMEND=yes perl makefml install

% /usr/local/fml/makefml newml elena

[______TOC_______] [NEXT CHAPTER]
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All rights of this page is reserved.

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