8 How to add a user by remote administration

8.1	To add the user who can manage the ML server in remote. 

   /usr/local/fml/makefml addadmin elena fukachan@baycity.asia

Add "fukachan@baycity.asia" in "Elena" mailing list. He can
manage the mailing list server in remote.

8.2	To remove the user who can manage the ML server in remote. 

   /usr/local/fml/makefml byeadmin elena fukachan@baycity.asia

Remove the user "fukachan@baycity.asia" who can manage the
"Elena" ML in remote.

8.3	To set or change the password of the remote-maintenance user 

   /usr/local/fml/makefml passwd elena 

	---Changing Passwd of Admin  in elena mailing list

Please input the "password" of "who" (Email address). 

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