5 ML Operations

5.1	ML Operation and Maintenance

* prog mailer type

 fml runs when mail comes. Please let it be.

* POP type

ntfml.cmd need to run always. If the machine is down, you need to kick
off it again.

Please see this url on how to regist fml to NT service and control via
control panel.

	Author: ssk@dmail.plala.or.jp


maybe used but not tested well.

5.2	How to Debug

runs "ntfml.cmd -d" to show a lot of debug information.

5.3	ntfml.pl options

	-d		debug
	-o debug_option	debug option
	-u time		loop unit time (unit is second)

5.4	Remove a ML

* POP version

remove ML's HOME e.g. C:\ fml \ml\elena. ntfml.pl scans C:\ fml \ml always
in the loop. Hence the directory disappears, ntfml.pl ignores the ML

* MetaInfo version

Remove aliases entries. You do not need to remove ML's HOME directory.
Remove digest delivery setting.

Copyright (C) 1993-2001 Ken'ichi Fukamachi
All rights of this page is reserved.

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