NAME FML::Demo::Calendar - show a calendar (demonstration module). SYNOPSIS use FML::Demo::Calendar; my $schedule = new FML::Demo::Calendar; $schedule->parse; # show table by w3m :-) my $tmp = $schedule->tmpfilepath; my $fh = new FileHandle $tmp, "w"; if (defined $wh) { $schedule->print($fh); $fh->close; } system "w3m -dump $tmp"; unlink $tmp if -f $tmp; DESCRIPTION "CAUTION:" This module is created just for a demonstration to show how to write a module intended for your personal use. This module is not enough mature nor secure. This is also a demonstration module to show how to use and build up modules to couple with CPAN and FML modules. For exaple, this routine uses "HTML::CalendarMonthSimple" under cpan/lib. It parses files in ~/.schedule/ and output the schedule of this month as HTML TABLE by default. To see it, you need a WWW browser e.g. "w3m". FILES in ~/.schedule/ Theare are arbitrary number of files. This module treis to parse all files here and use only valid entries found in them. The file format follows: # comment: the format is /^(\d+\/\d+)\s+(.*)/ or /^(*\/\d+)\s+(.*)/ DATE CONTENT DATE CONTENT FORMAT IS ARBITORARY where null lines or space lines are ignored. # the first day! 01/01 shougatu yasumi # 20 of each month */20 doctor. METHODS new($args) Constructor. It speculates "user" by $args->{ user } or $ENV{'USER'} or UID and determines the path for ~user/.schedule/. $args can take the following variables: $args = { schedule_dir => DIR, schedule_file => FILE, mode => MODE, }; "CAUTION:" The string for ~user is restricted to ^[-\w\d\.\/_]+$. PATH is reset at the last of new() method. tmpfilepath($args) return a tmpfile path name, which is under ~/.schedule directory. It creates just a file path not file itself. parse($args) Parse files in ~/.schedule/ or the specified schedule file. print_as_html($fd) print out the result as HTML. You can specify the output channel by file descriptor $fd. print_specific_month($fh, $month, $year) print range specified by $month and $year. $month is a number or string among "this", "next" and "last". MODE get_mode( ) show mode (string). set_mode( $mode ) override mode. The mode is either of 'text' or 'html'. XXX: The mode is not used in this module itsef. This is a pragma for other module use. CODING STYLE See "" on fml coding style guide. AUTHOR Ken'chi Fukamachi COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2004,2005,2006 Ken'chi Fukamachi All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. HISTORY FML::Demo::Calendar first appeared in fml8 mailing list driver package. See "" for more details. Firstly this module name is "" and renamed to Calendar::Lite later. In 2004, it is renamed to FML::Demo::Calendar again since this module must depend FML::* classes.