NAME FML::File::Rotate - file rotatation utilities. SYNOPSIS my $log = new FML::File::Rotate $curproc; if ($log->is_time_to_rotate($file)) { $log->rotate($file); } DESCRIPTION This module provides utility functions for file rotatation. It turns over the given files under some condition. Typical condition is given as the number of files, size or how old they are. "rotation" renames and rearranges files like this: rm file.4 mv file.3 file.4 mv file.2 file.3 mv file.1 file.2 mv file.0 file.1 mv file file.0 In old age, a shell script does this but in modern unix, some programs such as /usr/bin/newsyslog (MIT athena project) do it. See newsyslog(8) for more details. METHODS new($curproc) constructor. PARAMETERS set_size_limit($size) set the maximum size limit. When the size of the log file reaches this limit, the log file will be turned over. get_size_limit() get the maximum size limit. set_archive_file_total($num) set the number of archive log files to be kept besides the log file itself. get_archive_file_total() get the number of archive log files to be kept besides the log file itself. is_time_to_rotate() "stat()" the file correspoinding to the object and determine whether the time to rotate comes or not. rotate($file) rename files to rotate. rm file.4 mv file.3 file.4 mv file.2 file.3 mv file.1 file.2 mv file.0 file.1 mv file file.0 CODING STYLE See "" on fml coding style guide. SEE ALSO newsyslog(8). AUTHOR Ken'ichi Fukamachi COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2004,2005,2006 Ken'ichi Fukamachi All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. HISTORY FML::File::Rotate first appeared in fml8 mailing list driver package. See "" for more details. FML::File::Rotate (2001-2003) is renamed from File::Rotate class in 2004.