NAME IO::Adapter - adapter for several IO interfaces. SYNOPSIS use IO::Adapter; $obj = new IO::Adapter ($map, $map_params); $obj->open || croak("cannot open $map"); while ($x = $obj->getline) { ... } $obj->close; where $map_params is map specific parameters used for such as "RDBMS". For example, $map_params is: $map_params = { 'mysql:toymodel' => { sql_servers => '', database => 'fml', table => 'ml', user => 'fml', user_password => "secret password :)", # model specific driver module driver => 'My::Driver::Module::Name', }, }; where you can specify your own module to provide specific SQL statements. DESCRIPTION This is "Adapter" (or "Wrapper") "design pattern". This is a wrapper of IO for e.g. file, unix group, NIS (Network Information System), RDBMS (Relational DataBase Management System) et. al. Once you create and open a "map", you can use the same methods as usual file IO. DATA STRUCTURE Consider file with space separators. The data structure in a file is described like this: file content = { key1 => undef, key2 => [ value2 ], key3 => [ value3a, value3b ], }; IO::Adapter converts data in arbitrary map e.g. file, /etc/group, RDBMS into this structure described above. Also, IO::Adapter provides unified access methods to this structure. Instead of unification, IO::Adapter may provide amibugous IO. For example, IO into array is not described as above. /etc/group must be described as wheel group = { "root" => undef, key2 => undef, key3 => undef, }; MAP "map" specifies the type of the database we read/write. For example, "file" map implies we hold our data in a file. The format is one line for one entry in a lot of cases. key1 key2 value To get one entry is to read one line or a part of one line. This wrapper provides IO like a usual file for the specified $map. MAP TYPES map name descriptions or examples --------------------------------------------------- file file:$file_name (prefix file: is optional). For example, file:/var/spool/ml/elena/recipients pcre pcre:$file_name e.g. pcre:/var/spool/ml/elena/sender_check$group_name For example,$group_name the NIS "Netork Information System" (YP) map "group.byname" For example, mysql mysql:$schema_name postgresql postgresql:$schema_name ldap ldap:$schema_name METHODS "new($map, $args)" the constructor. The first argument is a map decribed above. "open([$flag])" open IO operation for the map. $flag is passed to SUPER CLASS open() when "file:" map is specified. "open()" is a dummy function in other maps now. touch() create a file if not exists. This method is avaialble for all types but dummy for maps other than file: type. lock() lock. currently, only supported for file map. unlock() unlock. currently, only supported for file map. methods to retrieve data get_next_key() is used to get the next primary key incrementally. Also, another methods, getline() and get_next_value(), can be considered but these are not userd in fml version 8 now. "get_next_key()" return the next primary key. add( $address, [$argv] ) add $address to the specified map. Optionally, you can add KEY=>VALUE structures such as $address => STR or $address => [ STR1, STR2, ... ]. delete( $address ) delete lines which match $regexp from this map. find($regexp [,$args]) search $regexp in "map" and return the line which matches $regexp. It searches $regexp in case insenssitive by default. You can change the search behaviour by $args (HASH REFERENCE). $args = { want => 'key', # 'key' or 'key,value' case_sensitive => 1, # case senssitive all => 1, # get all entries matching $regexp as ARRAY REF }; The result returned by find() is primary key of data or key and value e.g the whole line in the file format. find() returns the whole one line by default. If want option is specified in $args, return value changes. 'want' options is 'key' or 'key,value', 'key,value' by default. find() returns the result as STRING or ARRAY REFERENCE. You get only the first entry as string by default. If you specify "all", you get the result(s) as ARRAY REFERENCE. For example, to search mail addresses matching $regexp in recipient list, my $a = $self->find($regexp, { want => 'key', all => 1}); for my $addr (@$a) { do_somethig() if ($addr =~ /$regexp/); } SEQUENCE NUMBER OPERATION methods suitable for sequence id operation. sequence_increment() increment map content by one and return the result (incrmented vlaue). CAUTION: now implemented only for file map. sequence_replace($seq) set the sequence value to $seq. that is, overwrite sequence value by number $seq. CAUTION: now implemented only for file map. UTILITY "error()" return the most recent error message if exists. DESTRUCTOR DESTROY CODING STYLE See "" on fml coding style guide. AUTHOR Ken'ichi Fukamchi COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006 Ken'ichi Fukamchi All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. HISTORY IO::Adapter first appeared in fml8 mailing list driver package. See "" for more details.