NAME IO::Adapter::AtomicFile - atomic IO operation. SYNOPSIS use IO::Adapter::AtomicFile; my $wh = IO::Adapter::AtomicFile->open($file); if (defined $wh) { print $wh "new/updated things ..."; $wh->close unless $wh->error; } In "close()" runs, the $file is replaced with the new content. Updating is defered until "close()". In usual cases, you use this module in the following way. use FileHandle; use IO::Adapter::AtomicFile; # get read handle for $file my $rh = new FileHandle $file; # get handle to update $file my $wh = IO::Adapter::AtomicFile->open($file); if (defined $rh && defined $wh) { while (<$rh>) { print $wh "new/updated things ..."; } $wh->close; $rh->close; } You can use this method to open $file for both read and write. use IO::Adapter::AtomicFile; my ($rh, $wh) = IO::Adapter::AtomicFile->rw_open($file); if (defined $rh && defined $wh) { while (<$rh>) { print $wh "new/updated things ..."; } $wh->close; $rh->close; } To copy from $src to $dst, IO::Adapter::AtomicFile->copy($src, $dst) || croak("fail to copy"); DESCRIPTION library to wrap atomic IO operations. The "atomic" feature is based on rename(2) system call. METHODS new() The ordinary constructor. The request is forwarded to SUPER CLASS's new(). open(file[, mode]) open "file" with "mode". If "mode" is not specified, open "file" with writable mode by default. Actually this method opens a new temporary file for write. So to write this "file" is to write the temporary file. When close() method sucesses, the file is replaced with this temporary file. rw_open(file[, mode]) return the file descriptor for both to read and write "file". This is a wrapper for "open()" method described above for conveninece. close() close the file. After the file is closed, the file is renamed to the original file name. copy(src, dst) copy from "src" file to "dst" file in atomic way by using "IO::Adapter::AtomicFile::rw_open". error() return the error. rollback() stop the operation and remove the temporary file to back to the first state. CODING STYLE See "" on fml coding style guide. AUTHOR Ken'ichi Fukamachi COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 Ken'ichi Fukamachi All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. HISTORY IO::Adapter::AtomicFile first appeared in fml8 mailing list driver package. See "" for more details.