NAME Mail::Address - Parse mail addresses SYNOPSIS use Mail::Address; my @addrs = Mail::Address->parse($line); foreach $addr (@addrs) { print $addr->format,"\n"; } DESCRIPTION "Mail::Address" extracts and manipulates RFC822 compilant email addresses. As well as being able to create "Mail::Address" objects in the normal manner, "Mail::Address" can extract addresses from the To and Cc lines found in an email message. CONSTRUCTORS new( PHRASE, ADDRESS, [ COMMENT ]) Mail::Address->new("Perl5 Porters", ""); Create a new "Mail::Address" object which represents an address with the elements given. In a message these 3 elements would be seen like: PHRASE
(COMMENT) ADDRESS (COMMENT) parse( LINE ) Mail::Address->parse($line); Parse the given line a return a list of extracted "Mail::Address" objects. The line would normally be one taken from a To,Cc or Bcc line in a message METHODS phrase () Return the phrase part of the object. address () Return the address part of the object. comment () Return the comment part of the object format () Return a string representing the address in a suitable form to be placed on a To,Cc or Bcc line of a message name () Using the information contained within the object attempt to identify what the person or groups name is host () Return the address excluding the user id and '@' user () Return the address excluding the '@' and the mail domain path () Unimplemented yet but should return the UUCP path for the message canon () Unimplemented yet but should return the UUCP canon for the message AUTHOR Graham Barr COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1995-8 Graham Barr. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.