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config.cf Format

The format of "config.cf" is "variable = value syntax". If plural values are required, space or "\n\s" is a separator.

variable = value

valiable = value1 value2 value3

variable = value1
The syntax of files with the suffix .cf e.g. /etc/fml/main.cf , default_config.cf, is same.

$variable at the right hand is expanded. For example,

a = value1
b = $a/value2
is expanded to
a = value1
b = value1/value2

The variable expansion is done at the last. So, the following definitions

a = value1
b = $a/value2/$c
c = value3
a = value4
are expaned to
b = valu4/value2/value3
since the last $a overwrites the previous one.

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