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Show Computer Oriented Log

When not fml program or CGI calls fml8 CUI and such program wants to analyze the output, you can use use the following option.

% makefml --log-computer-output COMMAND ML_NAME
% fml --log-computer-output     ML_NAME COMMAND
It shows the computer oriented log into STDERR channel.

For example

% fml --log-computer-output elena@fml.org list
1070109341  info lock channel=recipient_map_modify
1070109342  info unlock channel=recipient_map_modify
This example shows "TIME LOG_LEVEL MESSAGE" style log. It is suitable for computer proceessing.

The command line option --log-computer-output is same effect as

use_log_computer_output = yes
in config.cf file.

When "use_log_computer_output = yes" specified in config.cf, all programs are affected. All programs shows the computer oriented log to STDERR. So use of command line option is recommended.

We should use perl module which holds a set of functions. In this case, the print out engine is the class called as FML::Log::Print::Simple. The output style is contolled by $log_computer_output_engine in config.cf file.

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Copyright (C) 1993-2022 Ken'ichi Fukamachi mail:< fukachan at fml.org >