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2008 年 08 月の雑記

Table of Contents
2008/08/28: Mainichi news paper should die ?
2008/08/27: 教育にゆとりなど不要なのです。

2008/08/28: Mainichi news paper should die ?

Dear people outside Japan.

Mainichi News Paper had been continued to tell lies e.g. known as "hentai" on Japanese culture to the world these several years.

says that mainichi fails the way of apology to burst the activity in Intenet community but we should not destroy the company nor not continues the war between vested rights and the new mass communication.

However, the opinion is wrong since no Japanese company including govement"s" (meiji, the current govement et.al.) can recover itself by itself.

So, criminals should die and bootstrap itself from the scratch by other people excluding the current criminals.

But it is sad that Japanese would not be able to do it. Even if we can have will of revolutions, several laws restrict democratic actions. It is too sly that they built the current social system.

Oops, ...

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