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Subscribe / Unsubscribe

Which Map Subscribe/Unsubscribe Is Operated To ?

Subscribe/unsubscribe is operated to $primary_*_map.

For example, subscription of remote administrators is operated into both $primary_admin_member_map and $primary_admin_recipient_map. Unsubscription of remote administrators is operated into both $primary_admin_member_map and $primary_admin_recipient_map.

Why use primary_*_map ? If we use admin_member_maps and admin_recipient_maps, it causes a problem.

Subscription should be operated into one map. So we should operate it into primary_*_map.

Unsubscription must be same since xxx_maps is composed of different privileged maps.

For example, $member_maps is as follows. It contais a list of member and a list of remote administrators.

member_maps		=	$primary_member_map
So unsubscription operated for $member_maps may cause unsubscription of remote administrators. It is wrong logic.

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